Episode 1 – Introduction

Divorce Exposed - IntroductionEpisode 1 is an introduction to Debbie DeChambeau and the podcast Divorce Exposed.

You won’t find a lot of nuggets, but if you want to learn more about why this podcast was created, it’s worth listening to.  It’s also less than 10 minutes!

A few years ago I started studying marketing and to practice some of what I was learning, I started a business facebook page called divorce-exposed and also set up a word press website.  While I wasn’t as active with my posts when my business picked up, I didn’t let the FB page.  When I discovered podcasting, I felt drawn to revive divorce-exposed.  I’ve helped so many people get through their divorce that I wanted to see if I could help a few more.

Sometimes I wonder if it is also a little therapy for me, and in full disclosure, I’m not sure.  As I learn more about podcasting, I honestly see it as a way to share what I’ve learned …..and maybe even a business opportunity.  Initially, I don’t have the full direction in place of where this will go, but I do know that divorce is very common today and most people, even the most intelligent ones, don’t know what is in front of them.

Hopefully some of the ideas in this podcast series will help. If so, then I feel I’ve done my job.

Disclaimer:  I am not a lawyer, financial advisor or therapist.  These are professionals you might need to help you through your divorce and I encourage you to reach out and ask for referrals if you feel you need help.

Upcoming episodes talk about compensation for stay at home moms, birthday parties and keeping the family home after a divorce.

I’d love your feedback and welcome your stories.

Until next time……..keep finding the positives in everything you do.

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